Rebecca in Brooklyn
I had the opportunity to work with Rebecca on a recent ten day house swap with a friend in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. I had a great time working with Rebecca when she visited me last summer (which is also posted on this blog) so I contacted her to set up a time that we could shoot. We had a narrow window between her family visiting and my departure.
With no plan (my modus operendi) we started cruising the Brooklyn waterfront looking for a spot that was at least semi-private and a view would be nice or at least an interesting backdrop. After a few false starts we found that working under a couple of bridges was working for us as well as a location with some great tagging.
Other than a couple of twelve year old boys on the waterfront (made their day) and joggers on the bridge stairs (couldn't care less) it was pretty much your average urban guerrilla nude photo shoot.

With no plan (my modus operendi) we started cruising the Brooklyn waterfront looking for a spot that was at least semi-private and a view would be nice or at least an interesting backdrop. After a few false starts we found that working under a couple of bridges was working for us as well as a location with some great tagging.
Other than a couple of twelve year old boys on the waterfront (made their day) and joggers on the bridge stairs (couldn't care less) it was pretty much your average urban guerrilla nude photo shoot.

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